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- ClientFactory(Factory)
- AMIFactory
- LineOnlyReceiver(Protocol)
- AMIProtocol
class AMIFactory(ClientFactory) |
A factory for AMI protocols |
- Method resolution order:
- AMIFactory
- ClientFactory
- Factory
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, username, secret)
- login(self, ip='localhost', port=5038)
- Connect, returning our (singleton) protocol instance with login completed
XXX This is messy, we'd much rather have the factory able to create
large numbers of protocols simultaneously
Data and other attributes defined here:
- protocol = <class starpy.manager.AMIProtocol>
- Protocol for the interfacing with the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)
Provides most of the AMI Action interfaces.
Auto-generates ActionID fields for all calls.
Events and messages are passed around as simple dictionaries with
all-lowercase keys. Values are case-sensitive.
XXX Want to allow for timeouts
count -- total count of messages sent from this protocol
hostName -- used along with count and ID to produce unique IDs
messageCache -- stores incoming message fragments from the manager
Methods inherited from ClientFactory:
- clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason)
- Called when a connection has failed to connect.
It may be useful to call connector.connect() - this will reconnect.
@type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
- clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
- Called when an established connection is lost.
It may be useful to call connector.connect() - this will reconnect.
@type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
- startedConnecting(self, connector)
- Called when a connection has been started.
You can call connector.stopConnecting() to stop the connection attempt.
@param connector: a Connector object.
Methods inherited from Factory:
- buildProtocol(self, addr)
- Create an instance of a subclass of Protocol.
The returned instance will handle input on an incoming server
connection, and an attribute "factory" pointing to the creating
Override this method to alter how Protocol instances get created.
@param addr: an object implementing L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IAddress}
- doStart(self)
- Make sure startFactory is called.
Users should not call this function themselves!
- doStop(self)
- Make sure stopFactory is called.
Users should not call this function themselves!
- startFactory(self)
- This will be called before I begin listening on a Port or Connector.
It will only be called once, even if the factory is connected
to multiple ports.
This can be used to perform 'unserialization' tasks that
are best put off until things are actually running, such
as connecting to a database, opening files, etcetera.
- stopFactory(self)
- This will be called before I stop listening on all Ports/Connectors.
This can be overridden to perform 'shutdown' tasks such as disconnecting
database connections, closing files, etc.
It will be called, for example, before an application shuts down,
if it was connected to a port. User code should not call this function
Data and other attributes inherited from Factory:
- __implemented__ = <implementedBy twisted.internet.protocol.Factory>
- __implements__ = (<MetaInterface twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory>,)
- __providedBy__ = <zope.interface.declarations.Declaration object>
- noisy = True
- numPorts = 0
class AMIProtocol(LineOnlyReceiver) |
Protocol for the interfacing with the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)
Provides most of the AMI Action interfaces.
Auto-generates ActionID fields for all calls.
Events and messages are passed around as simple dictionaries with
all-lowercase keys. Values are case-sensitive.
XXX Want to allow for timeouts
count -- total count of messages sent from this protocol
hostName -- used along with count and ID to produce unique IDs
messageCache -- stores incoming message fragments from the manager |
- Method resolution order:
- AMIProtocol
- LineOnlyReceiver
- Protocol
- BaseProtocol
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, *args, **named)
- Initialise the AMIProtocol, arguments are ignored
- absoluteTimeout(self, channel, timeout)
- Set timeout value for the given channel (in seconds)
- changeMonitor(self, channel, filename)
- Change the file to which the channel is to be recorded
- cleanup(self, result, actionid)
- Cleanup callbacks on completion
- collectDeferred(self, message, stopEvent)
- Collect all responses to this message until stopEvent or error
returns deferred returning sequence of events/responses
- command(self, command)
- Run asterisk console command, return deferred result for line of lines
returns deferred returning list of lines (strings) of the command
See listCommands to see available commands
- connectionLost(self, reason)
- Connection lost, clean up callbacks
- connectionMade(self)
- Handle connection to the AMI port (auto-login)
This is a Twisted customisation point, we use it to automatically
log into the connection we've just established.
XXX Should probably use proper Twisted-style credential negotiations
- deregisterEvent(self, event, function=None)
- Deregister callback for the given event-type
event -- event name (or names) to be deregistered, see registerEvent
function -- the function to be removed from the callbacks or None to
remove all callbacks for the event
returns success boolean
- dispatchEvent(self, event)
- Given an incoming event, dispatch to registered handlers
- dispatchIncoming(self)
- Dispatch any finished incoming events/messages
- errorUnlessResponse(self, message, expected='Success')
- Raise a AMICommandFailure error unless message['response'] == expected
If == expected, returns the message
- events(self, eventmask=False)
- Determine whether events are generated
- generateActionId(self)
- Generate a unique action ID
Assumes that hostName must be unique among all machines which talk
to a given AMI server. With that is combined the memory location of
the protocol object (which should be machine-unique) and the count of
messages that this manager has created so far.
Generally speaking, you shouldn't need to know the action ID, as the
protocol handles the management of them automatically.
- getVar(self, channel, variable)
- Retrieve the given variable from the channel
- hangup(self, channel)
- Tell channel to hang up
- lineReceived(self, line)
- Handle Twisted's report of an incoming line from the manager
- listCommands(self)
- List the set of commands available
Returns a single message with each command-name as a key
- login(self)
- Log into the AMI interface (done automatically on connection)
Uses factory.username and factory.secret
- logoff(self)
- Log off from the manager instance
- mailboxCount(self, mailbox)
- Get count of messages in the given mailbox
- mailboxStatus(self, mailbox)
- Get status of given mailbox
- monitor(self, channel, file, format, mix)
- Record given channel to a file (or attempt to anyway)
- originate(self, channel, context=None, exten=None, priority=None, timeout=None, callerid=None, account=None, application=None, data=None)
- Originate call to connect channel to given context/exten/priority
channel -- the outgoing channel to which will be dialed
context/exten/priority -- the dialplan coordinate to which to connect
the channel (i.e. where to start the called person)
timeout -- duration before timeout in seconds (note: not Asterisk standard!)
callerid -- callerid to display on the channel
account -- account to which the call belongs
application -- alternate application to Dial to use for outbound dial
data -- data to pass to application
- parkedCalls(self)
- Retrieve set of parked calls via multi-event callback
- ping(self)
- Log off from the manager instance
- queueAdd(self, queue, interface, penalty=0, paused=True)
- Add given interface to named queue
- queueRemove(self, queue, interface)
- Remove given interface from named queue
- queueStatus(self)
- Retrieve information about active queues via multiple events
- queues(self)
- Retrieve information about active queues via multiple events
- redirect(self, channel, context, exten, priority, extraChannel=None)
- Transfer channel(s) to given context/exten/priority
- registerEvent(self, event, function)
- Register callback for the given event-type
event -- string name for the event, None to match all events, or
a tuple of string names to match multiple events.
See http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/asterisk+manager+events
for list of events and the data they bear. Includes:
Newchannel -- note that you can receive multiple Newchannel
events for a single channel!
among other standard events. Also includes user-defined events.
function -- function taking (protocol,event) as arguments or None
to deregister the current function.
Multiple functions may be registered for a given event
- sendDeferred(self, message)
- Send with a single-callback deferred object
Returns deferred that fires when a response to this message is received
- sendMessage(self, message, responseCallback=None)
- Send the message to the other side, return deferred for the result
returns the actionid for the message
- setCDRUserField(self, channel, userField, append=True)
- Set/add to a user field in the CDR for given channel
- setVar(self, channel, variable, value)
- Set channel variable to given value
- sipPeers(self)
- List all known sip peers
- status(self, channel=None)
- Retrieve status for the given (or all) channels via multi-event callback
channel -- channel name or None to retrieve all channels
returns deferred returning list of Status Events for each requested
- stopMonitor(self, channel)
- Stop monitoring the given channel
Data and other attributes defined here:
- VERSION_PREFIX = 'Asterisk Call Manager'
- amiVersion = None
- count = 0
Methods inherited from LineOnlyReceiver:
- dataReceived(self, data)
- Translates bytes into lines, and calls lineReceived.
- lineLengthExceeded(self, line)
- Called when the maximum line length has been reached.
Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way.
- sendLine(self, line)
- Sends a line to the other end of the connection.
Data and other attributes inherited from LineOnlyReceiver:
- MAX_LENGTH = 16384
- delimiter = '\r\n'
Data and other attributes inherited from Protocol:
- __implemented__ = <implementedBy twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol>
- __implements__ = (<MetaInterface twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol>,)
Methods inherited from BaseProtocol:
- makeConnection(self, transport)
- Make a connection to a transport and a server.
This sets the 'transport' attribute of this Protocol, and calls the
connectionMade() callback.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseProtocol:
- __providedBy__ = <zope.interface.declarations.Declaration object>
- connected = 0
- transport = None
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