
Example applications for usage of StarPy with Asterisk

Package Contents
        __init__ -- Example applications for usage of StarPy with Asterisk
amicommand -- Test/sample to call "show database" command
calldurationcallback -- Sample application to read call duration back to user
connecttoivr -- Example script to generate a call to connect a remote channel to an IVR
connecttoivrapp -- Example script to generate a call to connect a remote channel to an IVR
fastagisetvariable -- Try to set a FastAGI variable
getvariable -- Demonstrate usage of getVariable on the agi interface...
hellofastagi -- Simple FastAGI server using starpy
hellofastagiapp -- FastAGI server using starpy and the utility application framework
menutest -- Sample application to test the menuing utility classes
priexhaustion -- Sample application to watch for PRI exhaustion
readingdigits -- Read digits from the user in various ways...
timestamp -- Provide a trivial date-and-time service
timestampapp -- Provide a trivial date-and-time service

        __path__ = ['/home/mcfletch/pylive/starpy/examples']